Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Copying articles

Recently it was reported in a section of the press that a university vice chancellor copied two chapters of his Ph.D thesis from some other thesis and submitted his final thesis for his Ph.D.Copying articles of others and publishing the same in one's name is a crime.I am giving herebelow two instances where my published articles were lifted by some other people and were published in their names.
1.My article titled''Need For Performance Budgetingin Banks''published in Financail express dated October 28,1979 was copied by one Brijendra Swarup Saxena.Mr Saxean copied my said article and published the same in his name in the Jouranl of Indian institute of Bankers,April-June 1980 issue.While publishing he did not use even minimum intelligence.In my article I had mentioned '' Regional Development offices''.Such offices were there only in my bank,i.e Syndicate Bank.In all other banks there wereRegional Offices.Mr.SwarupSaxena did not change even this while publishing the article in his name.Regional Development Managers and Regional Development Offices were peculiar to Syndicate Bank alone at that time.
Mr.C.P.Raghavan ,then Resident Editor of Financail express vide his letter dated 14th February 1981 addressed to Mr.R.D.Pandya editor Journal of the Indian Institute of Bankers stated that copying and publishing of such lifted article of some one else by Saxena in his name was plagiarismof the worst order.The pity is the Journal of Indian Institute of Bankers rejected the same article when I sent it to them for publication in July 1979.After rejection by that journal I got it published in Financail Express.But the same Journal Of Indian Institute of Bankers published same article of mine when Mr Saxean sent it to them after copying it from Financail Express.Here you can see how editors act and howthey yied to influence and publish lifted articles.
2.I published an articletitled''Badathana,Pragathiya daraMathau Udyoga''[Poverty,Growth Rate and Employment]in Kannada in Janavahini,Kannada daily in itsissue dated10th May 2001.This article was copied by J.B.Raju Pathrikeand was published in its issue dated 16th June 2001in editor's name.Again the same article was copied by the editor Udyamadarshi and aws published in its issue of July 2001.[pages 26,27]

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