Sunday, January 18, 2009


Dr.K.K.Ammannaya has written an article titled''Immortal K.K.Pai''K.K.Pai has made significant contribution in the fields of education,banking,management education,and many other areas.He was an embodiment of serviceto people particularly the weaker and neglected sections of society..The large gathering of people on January 15, 2009 and the long queues of people to have the last darshan of the moratl remains of Pai clearly showed the lofty place he occupied in the hearts of people.K.K.Pai breathed his last on 14th January,Makara Sankranthi day like Bhishma who renounced his body on Makara Sankranthi day to enter swarga.K.K.Pai was a real Bhishma in the field of education and Paryaya Puttige swamaiji conferred the title''Abhinava Bhishma''on K.K.Pai posthumously.K.K.Pai has amassed enormous fame and name which will remain for ever although he is not physically with us today.His great ideas and ideals will live to posterity.K.K.Pai is immortal.

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