Saturday, January 31, 2009

Utilisation of RTGS Facility

The utilisation of RTGS Facility in India leaves much to be desired.The facility stands extended to 53000 branches at present.But increase in utilisation of the facility has not shown any commensurate increase.
RTGS is a funds transfer mechanism whereunder transfer of money takes place from one account in one bank to another account in any bank on a real time and on gross basis.Transaction stands settled on one to one basis without buching with any other transaction.This is by far the fastest money transfer system through the banking channel.
The new RTGS cut off timings would be -from monday to friday.The customer transaction timings will be from 9 hours to 16.30 hours.For inter bank transactions the timings will be from 9 hours to 18 hours.On saturdays timings for customer and interbank transactions are from 9 hours to 12.30 hours and from 9 hours to 14.30 hours respectively.
RBI has asked banks to popularise the use of RTGS facility.RBI has advised banks to create a user-friendly atmosphere at branch level in order to increase RTGS usage.Banks have been asked to identify branches having potential to increase RTGS usage.RBI has directed banks to make their entire branch net work RTGS enabled and also expedite providing RTGS facility to the customers of RRBs sponsored by respective banks.
RTGS is meant for large -value transactions involving amounts of Rs one lakh and above.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Shikshana Kshetrada Bhishma,K.K.Pai

An article titled''Shikshana Kshetrada Bhishma ,Banking Rangada Diggaja,K.K.Pai was published in Udayavani Kannada daily dated 27th January 2009.The author of this article was Dr.K.K.Ammannaya

Saturday, January 24, 2009

K.K.Pai National Banking Award

K.K.Pai National Banking Award for 2008-2009 has gone to Sri.K.Cheraian Verghese former Chairman and Managing Director of Union Bank Of India.This award is in recognition of the significant contribution made by him to the Indian banking sector.

Books on K.K.Pai

Important books on K.K.Pai are-
1.K.K.Pai-Life and Achievements[English]
2.K.K.Pi-Jeevana Mathu Sadhane[Kannada]
3Kaushalyadethida Kai K.K.Pai[Kannada]

Monday, January 19, 2009

Implementation of Basel II--Issues and Challenges

An article titled''Implementation of BaselII--Issues and Challenges''by Dr.K.K.Ammannaya has appeared in Southern Economist dated 15th January 2009.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

First article of Dr.K.K.Ammannaya on K.K.Pai

The first article of Dr.K.K.Ammannaya on K.K.Pai was published in February 1977 issue of BANKER ,a monthly banking journal being published from New Delhi.The title of the article was -''K.K.Pai-Profile of Meritorious Service''


Dr.K.K.Ammannaya has written an article titled''Immortal K.K.Pai''K.K.Pai has made significant contribution in the fields of education,banking,management education,and many other areas.He was an embodiment of serviceto people particularly the weaker and neglected sections of society..The large gathering of people on January 15, 2009 and the long queues of people to have the last darshan of the moratl remains of Pai clearly showed the lofty place he occupied in the hearts of people.K.K.Pai breathed his last on 14th January,Makara Sankranthi day like Bhishma who renounced his body on Makara Sankranthi day to enter swarga.K.K.Pai was a real Bhishma in the field of education and Paryaya Puttige swamaiji conferred the title''Abhinava Bhishma''on K.K.Pai posthumously.K.K.Pai has amassed enormous fame and name which will remain for ever although he is not physically with us today.His great ideas and ideals will live to posterity.K.K.Pai is immortal.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Dr.K.K.Ammannaya's another latest article is on-
'' Indian Banking--Better Performance Through Best Practices''

Customer Relationship Management In Banks

The latest article of Ammannaya is on Customer Relationship Management [CRM] in Banks.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

One Country , One Bank Account

It will be really woderful if the concept of one country one account becomes a reality. Under this concept an individual customer with a unique account number can go to any bank for transacting banking business.Technology holds the key in its implementation.The retail payments hub being set up under the aegis of the National Payments Corporation of India [NPCI]would help link all banks ,ATMs,point of sale[POS]terminals,mobile service providers etc as an aggregator for enabling seamless payment and settlement.Once India Pay becomes operational all ATM and POS transactions would be settled in India.At present these transactions are routed through international payments gateways of Mastercard or Visa.It is learnt that the NPCI which has an authorised capital of Rs 300 crores has engaged the services of a global HR search firm to zero in on a CEO and key operations personnel.NPCI's promoters are SBI,Punjab National Bank,Canara Bank,Bank Of Baroda,Union Bank Of India,ICICI Bank,HDFC Bank,Citi Bank and HSBC.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

GDP growth Rates in India

GDP growth rates in India were as under--
1998-99-6.7 percent.
1999-2000-6.4 percent.
2000-2001-4.4 percent.
2001-2002-5.8 percent.
2002-2003-3.8 per cent.
2003-2004-8.5 percent.
2004-2005-7.5 percent.
2005-2006-9.4 percent.
2006-2007-9.6 percent.
2007-2008-9 percent.
April-June -QI
2007-2008-9.2 percent.
2008-2009-7.9 percent.

CRR and Repo Rate

After recent revisions CRR,Repo rate and reverse repo rates are as under-
1CRR was cut by 0.5 percent.Present CRR is 5 per cent.
2.Repo Rate was reduced by 1 percent.The present Repo rate is 5.5 percent.
3.Reverse rep rate was reduced by 1 percent.Present reverse repo rate is 4 percent.

Kannada Article

A new Kannada article of Dr.K.K.Ammannaya has been published in Udyamadarshi of December 2008 .The articles is--
'' Krugman Mathu Vyapara Siddantha''

Limited Liability Partnership

The introduction of limited liability partnership as an alternative business structure provides for a business format that would combine the flexibility of partnership form of business enterprise with the advantages of limited liability of a company at a low compliance cost.
Limited liability partnership will foster growth of services sector and provide a platform to SMEs and professional firms to carry on their business with best global practices.

Two New Articles

Two NEW Articles Of Dr.K.K.Ammannaya in this week are --
1.Implementation Of Basel II-Issues,Concerns and Challenges.
2.CRM and CRM Operations in Indian Banks.