Saturday, September 20, 2008

Improving Quality of Statistics

The importance of more accurate and reliable data can hardly be overemhasised.The Prime Minister Dr.Manamohan Singh has recently expressed concern over the inadequate quality of macro economic data.The quality and reliability of data in India are so poor that the statstical data are usually being referred to as ''superlative'' of lies.[lies,damn lies and statistics]
Incorrect and inaccurate data base provide a wrong basis for planning and decision making.Inaccurate data used for research purposes lead to incorrect and erroneous conclusions.There is therefore an urgent need to improve the qualty of macro economic data and ensure their availability with least time lag.States which gather data must give adequate importance to quality and speedy collection of data so that final data are available within at least six months.
In the case of data particularly data relating to GDP and GDP growth rate the figures released by different organisations are usually different and there is reason to doubt such figures.The differences between advance estimates,revised estimates,and final data must be minimum and negligible and also there must be no surprising differences in GDP GROWTH RATE FIGURES released by CSO,NSS,RBI etc for a common period or as on a particular date.The surprising differences between the figures relesed by CSO.NSS,RBI etc lead to confusion and people start doubting the data.If all agencies give adequate attention to quality of dataand reduce the time gap ,then data quality and reliability can be enhanced.If unreliable data or stale data are used assuming a position different from the one that actually obtains the very plan prepared on that basis and decision arrived at based on the asme will be faulty leading to confusion.
The National Statistical Commission must take steps to revamp the data collection process at all levels and the commission must issue suitable guidelines to states and data gathering agencies in this regard.The commission must formulate strategies for speedy collection of reliable data.Reliable data available at the right time alone can prove useful bases for research,planning,and decision making at all levels in government and elsewhere in the economy.

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