Friday, August 1, 2008


In 1969 the number of bank branches were8262.Number of branches increased to 70711 in 2007,8.5 times increase.During the same period i.e from 1969 to 2007 deposits increased from Rs4646 crores to Rs.2598823 crores.This shows559 times increase.In 1969 total advances were Rs.3599 crores and advances rose to Rs.1949567 crores in 2007.This was 542 times increase.Per branch population which was 64000 in 1969 declined to 16000 in 2007.This was 4 times decline.Deposits per branch were Rs.56 lakhs in 1969.Deposits per branch rose to Rs36.75 crores in 2007,66 times increase.Advances per branch were Rs.44lakhs in 1969.Advances per branch rose to Rs.27.57 crores in 2007,an increase of 62.6 times.

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