Saturday, June 7, 2008

Branch Managers In Banks

Branch mangers are the focal point in banks and they play a crucial role in planning,organising,controlling,co-ordinating,and making decisions and also in implenting decisions.In view of his role a branch manager must develop in himself good leadership qualities which alone can have a deep and significant impact on officers and other staff members in the branch.Manger must be able to inspire all staff through his ability,competence and leadership qualities.He must be able to motivate them to give of their best in terms of results, accomplishment of targets and improvement of productivity.A branch manager has to adhere to ceratin principles in order that he may achieve desired measure of success.Some of these principles are the following-
1.Providing leadership by example-Manager must be first to implement any decision ,be it regarding canvassing deposits,punctuality, or recovery work.If a decision is taken to the effect that all must be in their seats by 9.50 AM i.e 10 minutes earlier to commencement of office hours then manager must be the first to come at 9.50 AM.If he does so all will come early from next day onwards.
2.Leading with honesty-Manager must be honest and he must try his utmost to build up and promote an environment of honesty and truthfulness.He must be transparent in his functioning.
3.Team building-Manager must build up a cohesive team.He must promote good understanding among team members and he must be a good listener.If he listens staff too will listen to what he says.
4.Taking responsibility-Manager must assume responsibility for all happenings and developments and he can not shift the balme to some staff member if something goes wrong.If he accepts responsibility then the same will encourage others to take responsibility.
5.Appreciation of good work-Manager must appreciate good work done by a staff member regardless of the level or scale of the staff member.Such appreciation will spur him on to greater efforts.
6Adopting inspirational attitude-Always be self-motivated and be able to motivate others.If manager becomes an achiever on account of his self motivation all others too will get motivation for achieving better results.
7.Speaking language of success-Manager must alwyas speak the language of success.Manager must have full knowledge of bank's mission and goals and also regarding results achieved by bank as a whole from time to time.Mnager can share information regarding bank's vision,bank's achievements etc with all staff as a resource.
8Inclusiveness-Be inclusive.Manager must try to promote collaborative effort.
9.Sharing Reward-
Manager must share the rewards and appreciation received from higher authorities with all his colleagues.
By following above principles a manager can surely achieve good performance.

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