Thursday, May 29, 2008

Get Rid Of Inferiority Complex

Inferiority complex is nothing but a mental condition which makes a person think that he or she is not as good as someone else and his competence is much less and can not do certain tasks .A person might have developed inferiority complex as result of certain event or happening in the distant past or in his childhood or he might have some physical defects or deficiencies which may make him think that he is inferior to others.
Inferiority complex may emerge from the feeling that others are constantly observing us and watching our activities .Beacause of such feeling many are scared to take up any new initiative or new tasks for fear of failure .Many are scared to venture into any new activities or new fields for fear of criticism by others if they do not do well .Such fear alone prevents many from developning their talents in many fields like music,dance,public speaking etc.
The fear that others are constantly watching us our mistakes and defects and they may publicise our failures and mistakes thereby tarnishing our name is nothing but imaginery.This is a false feeling.Every person has his own problems and he has no time to focus on others' failures and mistakes.
An important rule in getting rid of inferiority complex is to face the facts as they are.We must understand that the reality can not be changed in a vast majority of cases.Hence we must face facts boldly and in a spirit of challenge.A person may be having deafness which is beyond rectification.One may have developed shortening of leg due to operation following an accident.Instaed of worrying about such things we have face the same.Thomas Alva Edison had deafness.Rooevelt was affected by polio in his childhood.He aws fully aware of this.He faced this boldly and became US President.Napoleon Was short and had no good personality.He achieved so much inspite of this defect.Lal Bhadur Shastry was short .But he became a man of great stature.He was India's Prime Minister.
By accepting that facts can not be changed and also by facing the facts as a challenge we can do well in any field and excel.In history and also in puranas we have many examples of individuals who have achieved supreme success in spite of their physical defects and shortcomings.
The way out is to conceal defects and shortcomings and display strengths.Every person has some talent,some strength.,some gift given by God.A daef may be very good in singing.Ashtavakra had very poor personality and his body had eight bendings.All thae same he was a wonderful singer .Even queen was attracted by his singing.Hence everyone must discover his strength,hidden talent and display the same.Try to discover your latent talent,bring it to surface and then develop it.A person who has lost his eyes may be good in painting or singing.A deaf may become a great enrepreneur and later on a great industrialist too..Thus every one must hide his or her defects and display strengths and talents.This approach will help us in overcoming inferiority complex by and by and ultimately we can get rid rid of the same

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