Monday, March 24, 2008

Selected Published Articles of Ammannaya

1Credit and Growth Strategy-published in Financial Express dated 16th June 1989[This was on the basis of deliberations in bank economists conference held in Mumbai in 1989in which the author represented Syndicate Bank]

2NPA Management Strategy for Banks-Fortune India June1,1995.

3An Approach to Manpower Development in Banking Industry-Indian Banking today and tomorrow September1998

4Performance of Regional Rural Banks-Fortune India,31st January 1995.

5 Utility of Think Tank concept in Bank Management-Indian Banking today and tomorrowJuly 1982

6Is MOUs a Panacea for banks,Ills-Fortune IndiaFortune India Decemer1,1993

7Banking on Human ValueFortune India,16-28 February 1993

8.Strategic Planning in Banks-Fortune IndiaOctober16-31,1993

9Mult-Agency Approach to Lending-Indian Banking today and Tomorrow,October1989

10Credit Management Strategy-Fortune INdia,16-31August,1994

11.Customer Service In Banks-Fortune India-December 31,1995

12.A New Strategy For IRDP-Southern Economist ,1st January,1996.13Implementation of Performance Budget-Indian Banking today and tomorrowApril,1977

14.Banking on Change-Bhavan's Journal ,30th September2001.

15.Economy-Gandhian Way is the only Way-Bhavan's Journal,5th May2002

16.Banking Reforms and new Challenges for Banks-Southern Economist,15th July1997

17.26years of Bank Nationalisation-An Overview,Southern Economist15th July1995.

18 .New Growth Strategy and Alleviation of Poverty-NIF Weekly,18th July1982.

19.Banker,A Professional,Fortune India,1st January,1991.

20.Assessment of Working of Banks[cover feature]Eastern Economist13th July 1979.21.Overhauling Management Education-Southern Economist15th November1998.

22Attack on Poverty-Need for a New Growth Strategy,Southern Economist 1st May1997.

23.Pursuit of Core Competencies-Morning News21st February,1999.24.Performance Evaluation of Banks in Post Reform Period-Morning News31st March and 1st April1997 in two parts.

24.Gandhian Industrial Policy for Today's India,Rural India,February1970.

25.Management Education,Morning NewsMarch 1997.

26.Banking Experiments in Udupi and Dakshin a Kannada Districts,Morning News,5th April1998.

27.Role of Performance Budgeting in Banks,Eastern Economist23rd November1979.

28Banks and Rural Development-Financial Express21st NOvember 1978.

29Credit Policy and Banks-Eastern Economist annual number20th November1982.

30.Man Management In banks,Eastern Economist ,20th November1981.

31Employee Participation in Developmental Functions in Banks-Journal of Banking and Foreign ExchangeAugust and September1977.

32.Employee Productivity in Banks,Financial Express25th Sept,1979.

33.Banking Accomplishments and Prospects-Eastern Economist annual numberNov1981.

34.Working of Public sector undertakings in India-Finance and CommerceJuly,1970.

35.Utility of Chit Funds-Southern Economist 15th September1969.

36.Profitability and Productivity in Banks-Eastern Economist9th April1987.

37.Spotlight on Non-Banking Services,Giant,October1977.

38.Service Area Approach-A new Challenge for Banks,Pigmy Economic ReviewNov1990.

39Handling People In Banks,Banker,July1982.

40.Employee Productivity in Banks-Financial Express27th Sept1979.

41,Credit Planning,Financial Express 29th Dec1975.

42.Lead Bank Scheme -Its Operational Problems,Financial Express25th August1973.

43.Performance Budgeting and Empolyee Appraisal,Financial Express10th July1979.

44.Man Management In Banks,Financial Express ,3rd April1982.

45.Lead Bank Scheme and Branch expansion,Financial Express15th January,1977.

46.Banks and Rural Development Financial Express 20th Nov1978.

47.Bank Nationalisation and After,Financial Express 4th July1975.

48 Economic Growth and the Elderly,Economic Times7th May 1982.

49LAB-Morning News23rd January1997.

50.UDUPI DISTRICT-A Pressing Necessity,Morning News 14th January 1997.

51.Strategy for the Development of Uttara Kannada District-CanaraTimes23rd January1997..

51Staff Motivvation in Banks,Canara Times9th December 1996.

52.Performing Leadership-Canara Times15th December1996.

53.Individual DevelopmentHow to Get Rid Of a Bad Mood-Canara Times 5th January1997.52.Taxation of Casual and Non-Recurring Income,Eastern Economist23rd February1973.

54Banking Business In Dakshina Kannada District Canara Times.

55.Development of Uttara Kannad District Its Banking Aspects.Canara Times21st December1996.

56.RRBs And Economic Development,Economic Times.

57Towards Better Performance Budgeting,Financial Express28th October1979.

58.Population Contro-A Factor in ProductivityImprovementSouthern Economist15th August1982.

59.Emerging Banking Challenges-Fortune India, March 1-15,1995.

60.Regional Rural Banks On The Horns Of A Dilemma,Fortune India16-31July 1993.

61.Importance of Marketing for Good Bnaking,Financial Express22nd July 1973.

62.Business Develpment by Bnaks In New AreasFinancial express 30th March 1974.

63.Bnaking of tomorrow needs complete professionalisation.

64.Corporate Planning,Mangalorean25th NOV1982and 25th Dec 1982.

65.Credit Planning at Block Level Financial Express.
66.Bank Credit as an input In Development-Some Issues.
67.Reverse Mortgage Loan-a Novely in India,Southern Economist 15th February2007.
68.GDP Growth in Indian Economy-Need for Further Refgorms,Sothern Economist1st March 2007.
69.Public Debate On Corruption -Deccan Hearld10th March 2007
70Can SEZs Be Drivers Of Future Growth of Indian Economy,Southern Economist,1st July 2007.
71.Inflation -A New Headache-Southern EconomistApril1-15,2007..
72Funding Infrastructure,Business line11th November2007.
73Indian Banking-2010-IBA BULLETIN[Indain Banker],Special Issue january2004.
74.Implementation of New Basel Norms and Banking opportunities-Southern Economist 1stFebruary2007.
75.Fianancial Inclusion-Tasks and Strategies,Southern EconomistJanuary1,2007.

75.New Basel Norms and Banking opportunities-Sothern Economist 1st Feb2007.
76.Stronger Rupee,Business Line16thJuly2007.
77.Extending Employment Programme,Business Line3rd March 2008.
78.Real Inclusion ,Business Line 25th May 2007.
79.Grass roots Banking,Business Line12th June2007.
80.Fresh Initiatives,Bl 12th March 2008.
81.Funding Infrastructure,Business Line12th Nov 2007.
82.Public Debate On Corruption,Deccan Herald 10th March 2007.
83.Power to unlock,Bl20th Sept2007.
84.Farm Reforms,Business Line23rd July2007.
85.Rural Banking ,Hindu.31st March 2008.
86.Overview Of Banking Development-A Book Review,Southern EconomistDec1,2007.
87.Reverse Mortgage Loan -A Novelty in India,Southern Economist15th Jan2007.
88.Fighting Corruption,BL 23rd Feb2007.
89.Bank Mergers,Business Line 3rd Jan 2008.
90.Take Up All Pending Reforms Business Line 26th Feb 2008.
91.Demographic Dividend Business Line 31st March 2007.
92,SEZ Policy,Bl3rd April 2007.
93.Moving Forward With Forex,Bl30th April 2007.
94.Tackling Inflation Bl7th April 2007.
95.Remunerative Prices,Bl22nd March 2007.
96.BSNL-MTNL Merger,business line27th March 2007.
97.Good And Sensible Budget2008-09,Southern Economist,March 15,2008.
98.Economic Development-Its Banking Aspects-Finace and commerce,October,1972.
99.Performance Budgeting By Bnaks-Financial Express24th October1973.
100.Central Budget2007-08-AView,Southern economist15th March 2007.
101.Inflation-A New Headache-Southern EconomistApril1-15,2007.
102.Banks and Economic Planning,Financail ExpressAug 21,1974.
103.Credit Management,Fortune India,16-31,1994.
104.New Basel Norms and Banking opportunities,Southern EconomistFeb1,2007.
105.Banking Aspect of Twenty Point Programme-Some Suggestions,Southern EconomistJuly1,1980.
106.Market Research and Marketing Technique in Banking Industry,Finance and CommerceJuly,1971.


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