Saturday, September 26, 2009


A new article titled''Grameena Shakha Vistharenege Deergha Kaleena Yojane''written by Dr.K.K.Ammannaya has been published in Udyamadarshi Kannada monthly in its September 2009 issue.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

K.K.Pai National Banking Award-2008-2009

K.K.Pai National Banking Award for 2008-2009 was presented at New Delhi on 28th August 2009 to Sri K. Cherian Varghese Former Chairman and Managing Director of Union Bank of India in recognition of his outstanding contribution to banking development in India

Article on Union Budget

A new article on Union Budget 2009-2010written by K.K.Ammannaya has appeared in Udyamadarshi of August 2009.