Saturday, July 25, 2009

BUDGET LINE -Article of Ammannaya

An article on budget by Dr K.K.Ammannaya was published in Business Line dated 22nd June 2009.Please see page 2 of this issue

NEW Artcle by Ammannaya

A new article titled ''An Alternative Growth Strategy for India''by Dr.K.K.Ammannaya was published in Bhavan's journal of 15th June 2009.Please refer to pages 16 to 23 in this issue.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Union Budget 2009-2010

The union budget 2009-2010 recently presented by Finance Minister Sri Pranab Mukherjee is indeed based on long range vision of growth and with an eye firmly focussed on inclusiveness in the growh process.The budget aims at tackling two major challenges,namely global recession and economic growth.The budget has given top-most priority to the task of reducing the adverse impact of global economic down-turn.The second task sought to be achieved by the budget is to step up the rate of economic growth in order to get the economy back to the 9 percent growth path.