Saturday, May 23, 2009

Another New Article in Kannada

Another new article of Dr.K.K.Ammannaya has appeared in Udyamadarshi Kannada magazine,May 2009 issue.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Alternative Growth Strategy For India

An article titled'' Alternative Growth Strategy for India''by Dr.K.K.Ammannaya has appeared in the 47th Annual Number of Southern Economist.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Inactive Cards

According to a recent study by Edgar Dunn and Company [EDC]and India Cards Council [IOC]only 26 percent of the debit cards are actively used in India at point of sale.Such active usage of debit cards is 86 percent in USA.About 50 percent of debit and credit cards are inactive in India.There is very low level of debit card usage at points of sale in India when compared to other countries.Even in Australia 45 percent of the debit cards are actively used at the points of sale.In India credit cards are also not very actively used.Only 56 percent of the credit cards are active cards in India as against 80 percent in Australia,and 75 percent in Singapore.Also it was found that debit cards in India are used mostly for ATM operations and ATM withdrawals.